Our communities are facing an unprecedented global crisis today due to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. While healthcare authorities are battling to save the lives of the victims, law enforcement agencies are being pushed to innovate in order to effectively enforce quarantines, lockdowns and social distancing in order to contain the virus and ensure the health and safety of their communities.
With governments and law enforcement agencies focussed on containing the pandemic, criminals are exploiting the crisis by adapting their modes of operations. Law enforcement agencies need to use this opportunity to transform and innovate, so that they are prepared for pandemics or other crises in the future.

● Jürgen Stock [Secretary-General of Interpol]
● Khoo Boon Hui [former Senior Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs; former President of Interpol; former Commissioner of Singapore Police]
● Col. Mubarak Said Al Khyeli [Director General of the GCCPOL]
● James P. O’Neill [Former Commissioner NYPD]
● Lt Col. Dana Humaid [Director General, international Affairs Bureau, UAE Ministry of Interior]
● Jorge Colina [Chief, Miami Police Department]
● Chief Thomas Galati [Chief of intelligence, NYPD]
● Martin Hewitt Q.P.M. [Chair, U.K. National Police Chief’s Council]
● Jurgen Ebner [Deputy Executive Director of Governance, Europol]
● Rune Pedersen [Director of Health, Safety and Environment - Oslo Police District, Norway]